Gaiam TV

'Choose Your Path' – Interactive video for landing page optimization

Our IV landing page optimization test with Rapt Media certainly exceeded our expectations in terms of conversions. Not only is the platform powerful and simple to use, but the creative and technical support of their team helped us increase subscriptions with our very first Interactive Video campaign.

Andrea Scott
Gaiam TV Director of Marketing

Gaiam TV’s goal – landing page optimization

Deliver a premium landing page experience that allows viewers to engage with the content before buying to dramatically increase subscriptions.

The concept

The marketing team at Gaiam TV always knew it had compelling video content for subscribers, but were struggling with a way to leverage that content to drive new subscriptions. Together with the Rapt Media consulting team they devised a landing page optimization strategy, pitting an IV landing page against a standard one to see the impact on subscriptions.

Success metrics

  • Doubled subscription revenue in less than 4 weeks
  • Reduced shopping cart abandonment by 3X
  • Increased page viewing time by 35%
  • Decreased clicks to purchase

Why Rapt Media?


Gaiam TV is an online community dedicated to providing transformational media to those seeking a healthier lifestyle. A streaming media service offering unique original programming designed to renew mind, body, and soul, Gaiam TV relies completely on monthly subscriptions to run its business. In need of a way to bring a more informed consumer through the checkout process, while also increasing conversions, it was necessary that Gaiam TV find a new, more engaging way to not only communicate with its customers and key audiences, but also build a relationship with them.

Gaiam TV had been using landing page optimization to improve conversions on its standard pages, but by teaming up with Rapt Media to create an Interactive Video (IV), forward-thinking brand Gaiam TV leveraged the power of IV to build active relationships – creating two-way engagement with its audience.

With a creative concept, an implementation strategy, monitoring capabilities, and a fully optimized IV landing page, Gaiam TV saw measureable results within the first month.